Alcohol is the most dangerous drug in the world and you probably don’t even realize it.
David Nutt, psychiatrist at imperial college in the UK and former Chairman of the UK advisory council on drugs.
- Kills 3 million people worldwide
- Was fired for suggesting alcohol was most dangerous drug
- In the USA alcohol is responsible for 1/3 of all traffic fatalities
- With homicides ½ were intoxicated and 2/3 of domestic violence victims
- You’re likely to be a victim is doubled as well
Harm score from
- Measures drugs on a score of 16 (9 measure harm to individual user and 7 measure societal factors)
- Heroine, crack, and Meth are more dangerous when only individual factors, but even so, alcohol is the 4th.
- Tobacco is the 7th most harmful drug. 9/10 people can handle alcohol, but 0/10 people can smoke. QUIT SMOKING NOW
- Important to not confuse legality with dangerousness. The reasons some drugs are legal are mainly cultural and political.
- Marijuana is the gateway drug? Nope. It’s alcohol and even more dangerous than ecstasy and LSD
When I found out one of my brother's best friends is an alcoholic I was blown away; an a little upset that we hadn't connected years before so we could have been working together.
Here are some of the resources that Elliot likes.
Like Elliot mentioned, if you would like to get in touch with Elliot, email and we will put you in touch with him.
It's so depressing to imagine the amount of money wasted on alcohol.
· Ashamed, didn’t want to tell anyone. 185 days of sobriety.
· Goals
The research is conclusive. Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at Dominican University in California, did a study on goal-setting with 267 participants. She found that you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down.
Goal: Quit drinking. Must have a date, a plan, details, etc.
Paul sums up his summer of 2014 and drinking career with one dream explaining why he decided his elevator had gone down far enough.
Points to discuss during Podcast
-It works! It's keeping me sober. Talk about every Monday at 6am goal and how someone reached out.
Fear of creating podcasts is no one will listen, mine is that people will actually listen.
Peace, Calm, unity, free
Gary Jules - Mad World Dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had which describes how Paul felt in the summer of 2014.
Repeating statements, words etc. Broken Record. Are you not listening to your own podcasts?
Addiction doing laps on ten-speed bike
Addiction can dunk a basketball
Doing pull-ups
Taking a break, then buying performance enhancing drugs
Picture of my beautiful view while podcasting