Taylor took his last drink June 7, 2019. With just over 13 months away from alcohol (at the time of recording) this is his story of living alcohol free (AF).
Odette’s weekly installment of: Finding the Better You…..
WAIT WAIT! It’s Paul’s 6 year Sober-versary! So instead we bring you Paul’s 6 big insights since his handing off the podcast to Odette.
Bonus insight:
[19:08] Paul introduces Taylor.
Taylor is 30 years old and lives in Thornton, Colorado with his two dogs, Harley and Rooster. While he’s lived in many places over the years, he grew up in Sacramento, California and now is in Colorado. He loves walking his dogs, record and write music, rock climbing, mountain biking, photography, hiking, skiing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, video editing and D&D. He likes to try all the hobbies now.
[23:54] Can you give listeners some background on your drinking?
Taylor said he started exploring alcohol around age 14. He wanted to see what alcohol was all about. He didn’t really touch alcohol again until he was about 16, mostly in High School he smoked weed. However, alcohol did allow him to fit in. His father and stepmother caught him smoking weed in college and made the decision to send him to live with his mother. This started his “victims’ story” because he wasn’t allowed to smoke weed anymore, so he was “forced to drink alcohol”. He saw his career grow however by quitting smoking weed, but there was alcohol ever present.
At 26 he found himself trying to moderate alcohol. Just before he deployed to Afghanistan, he thought to stop drinking a few days before, and he found himself in withdrawals. After not drinking while overseas, he ordered a drink on the plane home. Being home he was again trying to moderate.
[33:53] Tell me about going back to drinking after returning from Afghanistan?
Taylor said that he understood that he had seen the “other side of life” and you can never really go back. Alcohol just isn’t the same and he knew he was doomed. After his girlfriend left, was his rock bottom moment.
[42:19] Walk me through those first 30 days?
Taylor said he fully dove into recovery: “I sober like I drank”. When his father left, he kept going to therapy and AA. His pink cloud lasted 3 months and the energies to stay sober were stronger than his desire to drink. He found a lot of humility and got a sponsor and started working the steps.
[47:09] Can you share with listeners the difference between your 29th and your 30th birthdays?
Taylor said on his 29th birthday was in his first 30 days of sobriety. He sat at home and he didn’t have anything to do or anyone to hang out with. He called a newfound AA friend and he came over and they watched TV together. His 30th birthday he had 20 people show up to his birthday, from all parts of his life. He was humbled in that moment of the work that he had done to be the authentic Taylor.
[50:44] Do you still get cravings?
Taylor said yes. His alter drinking ego is named Gregory and he’s no longer the enemy of Taylor. Gregory still tries to get him to drinking, but he can have the conversation with Gregory about why they aren’t going to drink. Taylor treats Gregory like a sick child, with care and compassion. Cravings are now fleeting thoughts.
[57:47] Rapid Fire Round
Peanut butter and banana with candied bacon milkshake
Slow down, be gentle, be kind.
People, AA, The Calm App, Nature, Café RE, a picture of a dog.
Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn
The Tao of Pooh & The Te of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff
To be kind to yourself today and do the next kind thing.
You may have to say adios to booze...
If you have driven to another state to buy more alcohol because the stores in your state are closed.
Odette’s final thoughts this week:
Congratulations Paul. You are loved, supported and you are worth it.
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“Recovery Elevator – “We took the elevator down, we have to take the stairs back up, we can do this – I love you guys”