Randy Raphael has 8.5 years of sobriety and he tells how getting sober doesn't have to be such a struggle.
Eric finds himself in a wheelchair at 6 months of sobriety and doesn’t drink. He talks about what he thought sobriety was going to be like and what to expect.
Alcoholism is a progressive disease and Paul, with 34 years of sobriety explains how he has made it this long with out a drink. Below are the key points Paul discusses.
Drinking destroys the intelligence
After 34 years is still taking it one day at a time
Drinking destroys in this order: Spiritual, Mind then body. Healing is in reverse order
This disease is beautiful (the solution, continuing to be of service to the community and others)
ISM – incredibly short memory
Wants to be reminded on a daily basis that is doesn’t get any better
Gets gooder and gooder and gooder
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
Moira has 9 months of sobriety, has lost 55 pounds and explains how her life is so much better without alcohol.
A dry drunk is someone who:
1. Has made no emotional or behavioral changes.
2. Someone who simply doesn't drink and does not work a programs or invest time into their recovery
7 Characteristics of a Dry Drunk:
1. Selfish
a. Alcoholics are all extremely selfish and we think we are in total control at all times. We think we have beat the system
2. My Way or the Highway – Tom Cochrane "Life is a highway"
a. Spontaneous decisions with only one person in mind
3. The Blah……
a. Things are getting boring. You’ve quit drinking, you're riding the pink cloud, but soon things start to get mundane and boring
4. We start to forget
a. The magic of how our brains are wired to forget the past
5. Sunsets aren’t quite as magnificent
a. Interesting things in life have lost their allure
6. Negativity
a. A continuous trend in negativity
7. You’re still bat shit crazy
a. Drinking is a thinking disease and not a drinking disease
b. Our drinking is but a symptom of our disease